2024 Street (Parkview Drive) Improvement Project

The 2024 Street Improvement Project - Base Bid and Alternate A - was awarded to Castor Construction of Fort Dodge on January 8, 2024 for a total project bid of $747,687.10. The project location will be Parkview Drive and Parkview Park in the City of Eagle Grove. For more questions, please contact City Hall by calling (515) 448-4343 or by emailing cityhall@eaglegrove.gov.

2024 Street Improvement Project is the redevelopment of Parkview Drive that includes street scarification, new curbs, subdrains, and minor manhole adjustments. This project also includes new water mains to improve water pressure, water quality, and enhanced fire protection. With these water improvements, new valves and hydrants will also be installed. Lastly, new asphalt roadway surfacing will be installed. The City plans to repour every driveway with flared drainage edges approximately 8' from back-of-curb. Seeding will be provided. Anticipated Substantial Completion Date - August 15, 2023. 

2024 Parkview Park Improvement Project - This entails demolishing the basketball court and installing two (2) pickleball courts and a basketball court.

  Eagle Grove Northeast Neighborhood Revitalization Plan

The City of Eagle Grove is embarking on a transformative journey to shape its northeast neighborhood into a vibrant destination that mirrors the collective vision of the community. The City, in partnership with consultant Bolton & Menk, is creating a Neighborhood Transformation Plan that will efficiently implementing new goals, objectives, and policies for the northeast neighborhood’s successful transformation while weaving together diverse interests into a unified vision, promoting collaboration, and introducing innovative solutions.

More information can be found here: Northeast Neighborhood Revitalization Plan