Police Frequently Asked Questions
How do I report a complaint (suspicious activity, drug use, snow removal, junk vehicle, dog loose, etc.) online?
Please email all complaints to eaglegrovepd@gmail.com , all emails are confidential and you will remain anonymous throughout the investigation of your complaint. If it is an emergency please call 911.
Do I need an orange flag on my golf cart to drive it on the road?
Yes, it is required to have an orange flag. The golf cart must also be registered at the city hall.
Do I need an orange flag on my ATV to drive it on the road?
No, but the ATV must follow all regulations through DNR to be allowed on the road.
Where can I fined the rules and regulations of operating a snowmobile, golf cart, or ATV?
Rules and Regulations can be found in Chapter 75 of the Eagle Grove City Ordinance.
How do I file a no contact/protective order?
Frequently the Eagle Grove Police Department is called to have a No Contact Order or Protective Order issued. Police Departments are not able to issue no contact orders, this is the jurisdiction of the court system. To seek a No Contact Order or Protective Order people are directed to call the Wright County Clerk of Court at 515-532-3113.
What are the laws on maximum sentences?
According to the Code of Iowa the maximum Sentences for people convicted of crimes are as follows:
The maximum sentence for any person convicted of a felony shall be that prescribed by statute or, if not prescribed by statute, if other than a class "A" felony shall be determined as follows:
- A felon sentenced for a first conviction for a violation of section 124.401D, shall be confined for no more than ninety-nine years.
- A class "B" felon shall be confined for no more than twenty-five years.
- An habitual offender shall be confined for no more than fifteen years.
- A class "C" felon, not an habitual offender, shall be confined for no more than ten years, and in addition shall be sentenced to a fine of at least one thousand dollars but not more than ten thousand dollars.
- A class "D" felon, not an habitual offender, shall be confined for no more than five years, and in addition shall be sentenced to a fine of at least seven hundred fifty dollars but not more than seven thousand five hundred dollars.
The surcharges required by sections 911.1, 911.2, and 911.3 shall be added to a fine imposed on a class "C" or class "D" felon, as provided by those sections, and are not a part of or subject to the maximums set in this section.
- If a person eighteen years of age or older is convicted of a simple or serious misdemeanor and a specific penalty is not provided for or if a person under eighteen years of age has been waived to adult court pursuant to section 232.45 on a felony charge and is subsequently convicted of a simple, serious, or aggravated misdemeanor, the court shall determine the sentence, and shall fix the period of confinement or the amount of fine, which fine shall not be suspended by the court, within the following limits:
- For a simple misdemeanor, there shall be a fine of at least sixty-five dollars but not to exceed six hundred twenty-five dollars. The court may order imprisonment not to exceed thirty days in lieu of a fine or in addition to a fine.
- For a serious misdemeanor, there shall be a fine of at least three hundred fifteen dollars but not to exceed one thousand eight hundred seventy-five dollars. In addition, the court may also order imprisonment not to exceed one year.
- When a person is convicted of an aggravated misdemeanor, and a specific penalty is not provided for, the maximum penalty shall be imprisonment not to exceed two years. There shall be a fine of at least six hundred twenty-five dollars but not to exceed six thousand two hundred fifty dollars. When a judgment of conviction of an aggravated misdemeanor is entered against any person and the court imposes a sentence of confinement for a period of more than one year the term shall be an indeterminate term.
- A person under eighteen years of age convicted of a simple misdemeanor under chapter 321, 321G, 321I, 453A, 461A, 461B, 462A, 481A, 481B, 483A, 484A, or 484B, or a violation of a county or municipal curfew or traffic ordinance, except for an offense subject to section 805.8, may be required to pay a fine, not to exceed one hundred dollars, as fixed by the court, or may be required to perform community service as ordered by the court.
- The surcharges required by sections 911.1, 911.2, 911.3, and 911.4 shall be added to a fine imposed on a misdemeanant as provided in those sections, and are not a part of or subject to the maximums set in this section.
I'm unable to take care of my pets, what can I do?
The Humane Society of Wright County may be able to help, you can call them at 515-825-3363 to set up an appointment and see if your pet is eligible to be taken in.
Where do I pay my traffic tickets?
Traffic tickets are to be paid at the clerk of court office located on 115 N. Main St., Clarion IA 50525, it is open Monday through Friday 8:00a.m.-4:00p.m.
How can I get a copy of a police report?
Police reports can be obtained from the police department Monday-Friday 7:30a.m.-4:30p.m.
Do you provide fingerprinting services?
Fingerprinting services are available at the Police Department, please call ahead to allow an officer to prepare materials needed for fingerprinting.
Will the police department check my residence while I am away?
The police department will provide extra security checks while you are away from your residence for an extended period of time. Please fill out a house watch form and drop it off at the Police Department. House Watch Form