Fireworks Permit Application

Just a reminder that under the state law fireworks are allowed between:

  • June 1st-July 8th and December 10th-January 3rd. They can only be used between 9am and 10pm.
  • July 4th they can be used between 9am and 11pm and the following Saturday and Sunday as well.
  • On December 31st they can be used between 9am and 12:30am, as well as the following Saturday and Sunday.

A person shall not use consumer fireworks on real property other than that person's real property or on the real property of a person who has consented to the use of consumer fireworks on that property. 727.2 is the state code for fireworks and it's a simple misdemeanor. 

Below is the city code.


 41.14   FIREWORKS.

(Code of Iowa, Sec. 727.2)

  1. Definitions. For purposes of this section:

   A.   “Consumer fireworks” includes first-class consumer fireworks and second¬ class consumer fireworks as those terms are defined in Chapter 100 of the Code of Iowa. “Consumer fireworks” does not include novelties enumerated in Chapter 3 of the American Pyrotechnics Association’s Standard 87-1 or display fireworks enumerated in Chapter 4 of the American Pyrotechnics Association’s Standard 87-1:

   B.   “Display fireworks” includes any explosive composition, or combination of explosive substances, or article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration, or detonation, and includes fireworks containing any explosive or flammable compound, or other device containing any explosive substance. “Display fireworks” does not include novelties or consumer fireworks enumerated in Chapter 3 of the American Pyrotechnics Association's Standard 87-1.

   C.   “Novelties” includes all novelties enumerated in Chapter 3 of the American Pyrotechnics Association’s Standard 87-1, and that comply with the labeling regulations promulgated by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission.

  1. Display Fireworks. It is unlawful for any person to use or explode any display fireworks; provided the Police Chief may, upon application in writing, grant a permit for the display of display fireworks by municipalities, fair associations, amusement parks and other organizations or groups of individuals approved by the City when the display fireworks will be handled by a competent operator, but no such permit shall be required for the display of display fireworks at incorporated county fairs or district fairs receiving state aid. No permit shall be granted hereunder unless the operator or sponsoring organization has filed with the City evidence of insurance in the following amounts:

   A.   Personal Injury:   $250,000.00 per person

   B.   Property Damage:   $50,000.00

   C.   Total Exposure:   $1,000,000.00

  1. Consumer Fireworks. It is unlawful for any person to use or explode consumer fireworks within the City.
  2. Novelties. This section does not apply to novelties.