Water Rates
1.11 RATES ESTABLISHED. There shall be and there are hereby established rates and charges for the use and for the service supplied by the Municipal Water Utility. The rates are established as follows (a 10% penalty on all accounts not paid after the 15th of each month will be assessed):
RESOLUTION UB2024-01 & UB2024-02
Minimum Charge (Base Monthly) $25.00
Residential Consumption Charge (Per 100 CF) $4.1861
Sigmificant Industrial User Charge (Per l 00 CF) $4.1861
Significant Industrial User Charge (BOD Surcharge LBS) $1.00
Significant Industrial User Charge (TSS Surcharge LBS) $1.00
Significant Industrial User Charge (TKN Surcharge LBS) $5.00
Significant Industrial User Charge (Phosphorus Surcharge LBS) $3.5526
Significant Industrial User Charge (Oil & Grease Surcharge LBS) $1.50
Significant Industrial User Charge (pH Surcharge per day) $200.00
Capital Project Improvement Fee $8.00
Sewer Connection Permit and Inspection $250.00
Minimum Monthly Base Charge - 1" meter and smaller $22.50
Minimum Monthly Base Charge - l 1/2" Meter $27.00
Minimum Monthly Base Charge - 2" Meter $28.00
Minimum Monthly Base Charge -3" Meter $31.00
Minimum Monthly Base Charge - 4" Meter $40.00
Minimum Monthly Base Charge - 6" Meter $65.00
Minimum Monthly Base Charge - l O" and larger meter $100.00
Usage - 0-1,500 Cubic Feet (Per l OOCF) $4.00
Usage-Above 1,500 Cubic Feet (Per 100 CF) $3.75
Monthly Capital Project Improvement Fee $8.00
Water Connection Permit and Inspection $250.00
Water Meter Removal $150.00
Miscellaneous Fees
Deposit with completed application $350.00
Deposit without a completed application $500.00
Disconnection Fee $50.00
Reconnection Fee $50.00
Meter Testing $50.00
Sewer Locating $100.00
Trip Charge/Processing Fee $15.00
EMERGENCY - Non-Scheduled Service Call $100.00/Employee/Hour
Coin Handling Fee $10.00
Returned Check Fee $35.00
Meter Tap $500.00 Plus Parts
Annual Well Permit and Annual Renewal Permit $250.00
Bulk Water (Per 100 Gallon) $4.00
Offset Program Fee $10.00
Late Fee Penalty 10% of Balance
Abandonment of Service $ I 00.00/Emp/Hour+ parts