
The following rules apply to burials within the city cemetery.  The Council, by resolution, may adopt further regulations not in conflict herewith, with regard to burials.

  1. Lot owners are forbidden to resell lots or burial spaces upon their lots for remuneration in excess of current pricing.
  2. No filling, sodding, seeding, boxing, mounding or other work upon single graves or lots shall be done except by persons contracted or employed by the city or with the permission of the sexton.
  3. No interment of any body other than a human being shall be permitted or made in the City Cemetery. There shall be no more than one casket and one urn, or zero caskets and two urns, placed in any one grave, without permission of the sexton.  Any further exceptions to this section must be made by the council. Interment of parent and infant child will be permitted in one grave.
  4. There shall be no burials without a vault.  Vaults shall be of cement, steel, or fiberglass, except in the case of cremains.
  5. Arrangements for interments shall be made by the owner of the burial space, by a member or members of the family acting and authorized by law to act for the owner, or by an authorized undertaker, or other authorized agent of the owner.
  6. Notice of interment must be given to the clerk at least 48 hours in advance of burial, 72 hours notice in the event the ground is frozen.  Exceptions must be granted by permission of the Cemetery Sexton. The grave opener must be present at all interments and have full charge of opening, closing and sodding/seeding of all graves.
  7. The City shall in no manner be liable for any delay in the interment of a body where a protest to the interment has been made or where the rules and regulations of the cemetery have not been complied with.  The City shall be under no duty to recognize any protest of interment unless it is in writing and filed with the clerk. The City shall not be responsible for errors resulting from orders or instructions given by telephone and the clerk or grave opener may require such orders to be in writing before finalizing any action.
  8. Disinterments shall be governed by the above subsections 2, 3,4,5,6, and 7.
  9. The grave opener shall exercise reasonable care in making a removal, and the City shall not assume any liability for damages to any casket or burial case or urn incurred in making the removal.
  10. Third party companies may perform burials, disinterments, and reinterments as long as a family member is present and can show relationship to the deceased.  The cemetery sexton, or other city official, and the funeral director must also be present.