A list of issues to be discussed at a meeting. By state law, the agenda of a public meeting must be posted 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Changes or amendments to an agenda must be made at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
A change or addition that alters the meaning or scope of an original document, like an ordinance. An amendment requires four votes to pass; the Mayor can vote to break a tie on an issue
City Administrator
The chief administrator of a municipality, appointed by the council to run its business and carry out its policies.
City Council
The legislative governing body of a city. The Eagle Grove City Council consists of four representatives elected from the city's four wards (one representative per ward) plus two representatives elected at-large. Representatives serve four-year terms with no term limits.
Consent Agenda
Items of business that can be enacted by one motion without separate discussion, unless a request to discuss a specific item(s) is made prior to the vote.
Hearings & Lettings
Commitment; of City resources (i.e. contract for services, etc.) that generally requires approval by resolution.
The chief executive of the city. The Mayor can sign or veto any action but he/she can vote only to break a tie on motions and amendments. Elected to four-year terms with no term limits.
The simplest action that can be taken by the City Council. To pass, a motion requires a simple majority of the members present. The mayor can vote to break a tie on a motion.
A law enacted by a municipality. Must be voted on three times; tour affirmative votes are required on each reading.
Public Forum
Time for comments from the public on topics of City business other than those listed on the agenda. The Council cannot take action on an issue introduced during Public Forum until a subsequent meeting.
Public Hearing
A portion of a meeting established to give members of the public an opportunity to speak ,on a particular issue, such as a proposed ordinance. Public comments on an agenda item are received in the order in which the item(s) appears on the agenda.
The number of the members of a legislative body that must be present to transact business. A quorum of the Ames City Council is four members.
A decision, opinion or directive expressed in a formally drafted document but not having the force or effect of a law. A resolution requires four votes and can pass with one
Eagle Grove council members are public officials elected to represent a ward of our city as the Municipal Governing Body typically known as a city council.
The responsibilities of a city council member generally involve determining city government and administration policies, as well as adopting budgets and legislation.
Get informed, be involved. Do you know who your council representative is? We can only thrive with an active community.
The City Council meets the first and third Mondays of the month. For more Information on City Council matters, call the City Clerk's office at 448-4343.